The Truth About Leonardo Fibonacci




CategoryTrade Theory

PublishedJan 2, 2023, 11:30 AM EST


The Truth About Leonardo Fibonacci

Just as Columbus didn't actually discover the Americas which were already inhabited by indigenous people, Leonardo Bonacci Pisano ("of Pisa") later known as Leonardo Fibonacci didn't discover the Fibonacci sequence on his own. Leonardo was exposed to it by indigenous people in his travels and brought his "discovery" to Europe in his 1202 book "Liber Abaci" (The book of Abacus) and took credit for it. Leonardo then went on to be called one of the world's greatest mathematicians.

The Fibonacci sequence had been in use for centuries in India, Africa, and the Middle East prior to being "discovered". The Fibonacci sequence is connected to sacred geometry and was documented as early as 200 B.C.E. by Indian poet and mathematician Acharya Pingala, 1,400 years prior to Leonardo introducing it to the western world.

Even though "Fib"onacci starts with a lie, the sequence and its application in the natural world are the truth. It is a part of the human design and since all traders and algos are either human or designed by humans, the market cannot escape the influence of the golden ratio.

How did he get the name Fibonacci? Fibonacci is short for "filius Bonacci" which is Latin for "son of Bonacci" as he was a member of the Bonacci family from Pisa, Italy.

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